The Fuller Picture

New movie High Heels and Lowlifes heads for cinemas.

20 July, 2001

Opening on July 20th in the UK and directed by Bean's Mel Smith, High Heels and Lowlifes comes from the familiar pen of Kim Fuller, co-author of one the fans' top series VII episodes, Blue.

The Fuller Picture

Minnie Driver and Mary McCormack star in this comedy crime caper about a nurse and her friend who - after listening in on a police scanner - elect to blackmail the crooks involved with a bank heist.

The Fuller Picture The Fuller Picture

Also among the cast are Michael Gambon, Hugh Bonneville, John Sessions, Kevin Eldon and Red Dwarf's own Mark 'Petersen' Williams. It's directed by Mel Smith - his first movie since the massive success of Bean.

Talking to this week, Kim told us about Smith's approach to the script. "Mel's great, he's been really good. He's got a great sense of comedy, which is unusual in directors. Mel gets the comedy, he's not trying to make an advert or something really arty. There aren't many comedy directors in this country, you can probably count them on one hand!"

Kim Fuller's interview with Mr Flibble.

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