
Missing Moments - by Andrew Ellard

13 September, 2002

The search for deleted scenes was all set to be a nightmare. Red Dwarf is a complex show. There are tapes of location footage, special effects, studio pre-record and live audience recording - not to mention the reshoots. So it was with a certain trepidation that I volunteered to scan hours and hours of footage for those few lost moments.


As it turned out, I got lucky. When series I was remastered, full-length 'rough cuts' had been tracked down and VHS copies ordered up. These two-hour edits included alternate takes, cock-ups, and the full run of any scene from 'action' to 'cut' (usually a considerable time later). Thanks to these, we had little difficulty in finding our series I deleted scenes - listed exclusively here on reddwarf.co.uk.

The End

  1. An alternate version of part of the opening Rimmer-Lister scene.
  2. An alternate version of the very first bunkroom exchange.
  3. An extended scene of Lister flirting with Kochanski.
  4. The lost 'funeral' scene showing Lister bidding farewell to the crew's ashes, Rimmer giving his own eulogy, and the original introduction of the Cat.

Balance of Power

  1. An extended version of Lister boozing with Chen, Selby and Petersen.
  2. Additional dialogue as Lister prepares to enter the chef's exam.
  3. The full-length version of the exam scene, featuring a larger role for C.P. Grogan as 'Rimmer' inside Kochanski's body.

Waiting for God

  1. Additional dialogue regarding Rimmer's 'aliens'.

Confidence & Paranoia

  1. Rimmer and Lister further discuss Confidence & Paranoia.
  2. The Cat further explains the method for cleaning his clothes.


  1. Lister asks the Cat to move in with him.
  2. Lister outside the two Rimmers' quarters.
  3. The extended cinema fight between the two Rimmers - showing why, in the final episode, Lister appeared to select the 'wrong' Rimmer for deletion!

The thirteen scenes run for a total of around 20 minutes and come complete with introductory captions detailing the scene and why it was cut. Mostly, scenes were excised for episode length and pace, but a few had more basic reasons - chunks of The End were re-shot or cut out because of their poor quality.


From flip-top bins and cheesy flirting to rattling hollow sets and crew members in the back of shot, some Red Dwarf has been best left on the cutting room floor. In November, you'll be able to see what was swept up.

More DVD Details will follow soon...

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