All Talk

Interview Time - by Andrew Ellard

9 May, 2003

Some days, I have to say, I really love this job.

In a flurry of controlled panic, and under the dutiful eye of watch-tapping producer Helen Norman, I've been directing the all-new Red Dwarf III and IV cast and crew interviews. Over two days last week - Tuesday, April 29th and Thursday, May 1st - the corridors of our Shepperton offices have been frantic with the first stages of production activity.

All Talk

Among those subjected to a Flibble-free interrogation so far have been regular cast of III and IV, Chris Barrie, Robert Llewellyn and Hattie Hayridge. We've also roped in behind the scenes talent - Peter Wragg (special effects), and director Ed Bye.

No doubt you'll have noticed that some key names are missing here. With Doug Naylor currently overseeing movie work in Australia, his interview has been pushed back until later in production. With Craig Charles busy as ever, and Danny John-Jules off on holiday, we'll catch them both later.

So there's still a way to go. We're hoping to snatch some time with Andrea Finch (make-up), Howard Burden (costume) and Mike Agnew (production manager). Fingers are also crossed for Gordon "Hudzen" Kennedy and Tony "Caligula" Hawks. Sadly, some 'wish list' names - Clayton Mark, Judy Pascoe, Ruby Wax and Emile Charles among them - were unavailable, but there's already looking to be a huge amount of material to choose from.

All Talk

Aside from the evil A316 conspiring to make Chris late, the fact that someone on the floor above seemed to be wearing concrete boots when he walked about, and the lights going out at one point when a fuse blew, the shoot went very smoothly. Plus we got to see Ed arrive on his motorbike - always a joy.

Best of all, this takes us on a huge step from the Launching Red Dwarf documentary that accompanied Series I. No longer are we relying, in part, on archived interviews - these are all-new, season-specific and in-depth. The motto remains the same: 'Even better than last time.'

But to discover the stories told and, um, revelations revealed, fans will have to wait until the DVDs are released. In the meantime, at Grant Naylor we're preparing for the awesome job of editing this material into shape. It's time to enter the darkened room.

More DVD Details will follow soon...

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