Final Filming

All Talk 3 - by Andrew Ellard

4 July, 2003

I have a small, but rather stupid, confession to make. Over five different recording days for the DVD interviews, I have worn the same shirt each time.

Don't worry, it had been washed between times - it gets hot under those lights by the end, and interviewees aren't so good when speaking from behind a gas mask - but sometimes you get superstitious. You want things to go as well on the last day as they did on the first, and you'll do anything - even resorting to idiotic, talismanic theories - to make that happen.

Final Filming

So on June 25th, dressed in my lucky regalia, Doug Naylor and Mike Agnew faced interrogation on our final day of filming. Mike was production manager back on Series III and - as his chats with Mr Flibble demonstrate - has a wealth of stories from the shoot. And Doug... well, the man was writer and producer. Doug has also had a look at the footage so far, so was able to expand on points (and correct mistakes!) made by the others.

All these interviews - a total of 13 (see, I knew it was a good idea to wear the lucky shirt) - mean that we have two quite seriously kick-ass documentaries in the offing. And by kick-ass, I mean something in the region of 90 minutes for each!

Final Filming

Finally, while we had Hattie Hayridge in front of the camera back in April, it was decided to take the opportunity to film some all-new footage of Holly. Working from a script I'd scribbled on the back of a napkin (well, almost), Hattie 'Holly-ed' up the lines and gave us some links for the Series IV featurette Ace Rimmer: A Life In Lamé. Well, Holly barely got the chance to talk about him in Dimension Jump - she was too busy fainting.

More DVD Details will follow soon...

You can pre-order the Series III DVD - along with signed cast photos - from the Red Dwarf Shop.

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