Seven And Eight

The Last Two Series - by Andrew Ellard

25 February, 2005

Are we really here already? Having found our feet on the Series I and II DVDs, pushed the limits for III and IV, and showed what we can really do with V and VI, what's left? Well, the last two smegging series, that's what - and we're determined to push the envelope further still.

Seven And Eight

Expectations are obviously high, and early production and marketing meetings have shown just how determined people are to ensure the quality holds up to the very end. The early list of extras is mouth-watering - aided somewhat by the fact that these two series were the most recent, and so more of the production material is still in existence!

One key change is the shift at BBC Worldwide's video and DVD division, which has merged with VCI - who produce the Spaced, Black Books and Phoenix Nights DVDs - to form a new company, 2 entertain. It is under the combined name of 2 entertain and BBC DVD that Series VII and VIII will be released - with Grant Naylor Productions obviously playing the usual key role as producers of bonus material.

Seven And Eight

So what can we tell you so far? Well, the cover art concepts are currently being finalised, but the GELF ship (a maroonish-purple) and prison tower (orange) are the likely contenders for the main backgrounds. And the main documentaries already have working titles - Back From The Dead and The Tank - with the bulk of our extensive interviews already slated for March 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

Interestingly, by this time of year we would normally have the cast commentaries recorded, but the gods of scheduling have conspired against us. Getting one or two members of the cast together at once is tricky - getting all five regulars on VII and VIII, plus Norman Lovett and Mac McDonald, has been almost insurmountable. Rest assured, though, it will get done... even if we have to hold their children/pets/wardrobes/cars hostage to do it.

There will of course be a fair few surprises that we can't reveal as yet, but you can certainly expect the usual high standard of deleted scenes (series VIII, especially, is providing some remarkable stuff), smeg ups, archive footage, raw FX material (and you'd better believe the stuff on VII is going to be fascinating) and a bundle of goodies from our archive. Plus, inevitably, the disc will contain the winning entries to our fan film competition.

Seven And Eight

Right now, though, I'm finalising the interview questions in preparation to direct the doccos. If there's something you really want us to ask the cast about, post your thoughts on our WebBoard.

More DVD Details will follow soon...

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