Busy Boyz And Flyboys

More news of Red Dwarf cast projects.

17 February, 2006

It's all go in the Links section this week! We've added four links to sites which will certainly be of interest to anyone keen on Red Dwarf's cast and guest stars.

Busy Boyz And Flyboys

Firstly, John Lenahan - the original Talkie Toaster whose comedy-magic routines have made him a Dimension Jump favourite - has launched his own website at johnlenahan.com. Somehow we still haven't tired of that photo of him holding up a card onto which various signs are pasted.

Cast film news, meanwhile, leads us to three movie websites. Norman Lovett, taking his Holly vibe to another SF project, is appearing in low-budget comic-horror flick Evil Aliens. Evilaliensthemovie.co.uk has all the details, but be warned, the content is not for the young, infirm or weak of stomach.

Hollister actor and former human jukebox Mac McDonald will be appearing in Flyboys alongside James Franco and the ultra-cool Jean Reno. The story, a drama of pilots in the midst of World War One, is being produced by Independence Day's Dean Devlin. Link available via Links.

The link's also there for The Penalty King, starring Clare Grogan, the original Kochanski. It's a British picture about a footballer who loses his sight, but finds inspiration to play again in the memories of his favourite team. Despite the team being Leeds.

Busy Boyz And Flyboys

Once again, as with our previous news item, we have to salute the dedication our guys have shown to independent filmmaking. All except for Mac, anyway, the big Hollywood diva. (Though he does get points back for that huge road safety ad currently playing in cinemas where, in a mock movie trailer, he is the epitome of a movie bad guy.)

You can read Mr Flibble's interviews with John Lenahan, Norman Lovett and Mac McDonald in our Interview Archive.

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