Infinity Welcomes Careful Broadcasts

Chris Barrie reads on BBC Radio 7.

12 November, 2010

Infinity Welcomes Careful Broadcasts

If you've never heard Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers, you're missing out. And digital station BBC Radio 7 are gonna help you out - starting at 6.30pm on Saturday November 13th.

The novels represent a budget-unconstrained parallel universe to the TV show - not the same stories, but not totally different either. Rimmer, Lister and the gang are all there, still end up three million years from space, still find a humanoid cat and a neurotic mechanoid...hell, there are even future echoes.

But it's still very, very different. Something you can read more about here.

The Radio Shows recorded by Chris Barrie fuse the show's master impersonator with Grant and Naylor's prose - plus some music and sound effects - to create something pretty remarkable. As we said, if you've not heard it, you're missing out.

Check out the six-part series - but also have a look at this charming audio interview with Chris Barrie. There's also a repeat at 12.30am the same night if you missed it...or just can't get enough of the man's charming voice.

Visit the BBC Radio 7 website.

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