The Twitterati

Who to follow in Red Dwarf land.

18 December, 2015

These days, pretty much everyone has an opinion on Twitter: whether it's a vital part of your day-to-day life, or if it's a frivolous fad to be avoided at all costs. But in tech-savvy Red Dwarf world, we're generally pretty in favour of a bit of social networking, both as a way to quickly bring the latest goings-on around the show the fans, and to hear back from you all on what you think about the show (so long as it's nice).

The Twitterati

In the ever-changing social media landscape, however, it can be tricky to keep tabs on exactly who's tweeting what, where and when. So we've put together a handy guide to the most significant tweeters from the Red Dwarf cast and crew - and what's more, you can even follow them en masse as a Twitter "List" if you click this very link here. But here's the lowdown on who they are and what sort of thing you can expect to see if you follow them:

Name: Robert Llewellyn

Name: Danny John-Jules

Name: Craig Charles

Name: Doug Naylor

Name: Andrew Ellard

Name: Ed Moore

Name: Richard Naylor

Aside from the main gang, here are some of the other names on our list that we think are worth a follow:

As well as following our list, don't forget that the official Red Dwarf Twitter account is over at @RedDwarfHQ - where, as ever, we'll bring you breaking news and important retweets whenever they're relevant!

Do you tweet too? Find more Red Dwarf-loving followers on our Forum!

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