Let's Get Quizzical

The Smegging Difficult Screenshot Quiz returns!

10 August, 2018

We always like to give you regular tests of your Red Dwarf knowledge here on reddwarf.co.uk, but it's safe to say that no quiz has had quite the same impact as our Smegging Difficult Screenshot Quiz - which in 2016 became a viral sensation and had countless fans the world over scratching their heads.

Let's Get Quizzical

We thought time was long overdue to give you another go - especially seeing as two whole series of the show have aired since then - so if you mosey on over to our Games section now, you'll find - drum roll please - the Smegging Difficult Screenshot Quiz II!

Twenty grabs from across the entire three-decade history of Red Dwarf await you - some just require you to identify the episode, others are asking you to recognise details. And some have even been tampered with, just to make it even more fun.

Try your hand, and let us know on Twitter and Facebook if you grab a perfect score! And if you need some refreshers, maybe you'll want to give the episodes a fresh watch on demand or disc...?

Head over to the Games section to try your hand at our wide range of quizzes!

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