The Smart (Breakdown) Party

Stellar Rescue continues in the latest AA ad!

6 March, 2020

Last summer, Red Dwarf and the AA made a splash with a new advertising campaign, titled Stellar Rescue, featuring the Starbug crew getting assistance from the company's "out of this world" breakdown technology. And now this week, the second ad filmed has made it to British TV screens, showing off the "Smart Breakdown" service - as well as some insight into Starbug's own, ahem, emergency technology.

The Smart (Breakdown) Party

If you're the kind of person who whizzes through the breaks and so have yet to see the ad on TV yet, here's its full-length version:

And just like last time, there's special behind-the-scenes bonus material available on the AA website, including a fun video interview feature with the cast:

If you're a regular radio listener, meanwhile, keep your ears out there as well - as another new ad, once again distinct from the TV spot, has been added into the rotation there!

All of this leaves us wondering whether, with new Red Dwarf set to hit screens before too long, we might get the once-in-a-lifetime occurrence of a Red Dwarf-themed advert airing during transmission of the show itself...

Find out more about Stellar Rescue at the AA website!

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