Doctor's Appointment

The new series of Dr Who. Probably not relevant, but we just thought we'd mention it.

25 March, 2005

This isn't strictly Dwarf news, but don't forget the launch of Dr Who on Saturday, March 26th, BBC1, 7pm. Why do we mention this? Well, firstly it's British sci-fi, and there isn't nearly enough of that around; secondly, it has one of the best writing teams in recent TV history (our current favourite dramatist Russell T. Davis is heading up the group which includes The League's Mark Gatiss and Joking Apart/Coupling's Steven Moffat); thirdly, Christopher Eccleston is starring, and he's been one of our favourite actors since Robert Carlyle stabbed him to death in Cracker.

Mike Tucker, BBC FX supremo

Oh, and one last reason - two Dwarfers are involved with the show! Mike Tucker, the sole survivor of BBC Visual Effects who built and flew spaceships for Dwarf for five series, has been doing some of the FX - including a dirty great Big Ben model that's just aching to be destroyed. And David Verrey - whose lunch the Cat so memorably stole in Only the Good - has a role in episodes five and six as Joseph Green. No other details, though - the production is shrouded in secrecy.

Go on son, spit it out!

See, if you wait long enough we do make things relevant. But here's a question: just exactly what is Who a doctor of? Has anyone seen a diploma on his wall from the Gallifrey School of Medicine? Enquiring minds want to know. Last one to the TARDIS is a Cyberman! Or something.

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